KARLI Halbzeitpräsentation 2023
Forschung live erleben! SUSI&James war bei der KARLI-Projekt Halbzeitpräsentation in der Zukunftswerkstatt
Communicate automatically with your customers and business partners via any channel.
Generate measurable added value in the short term through the use of customized AI applications.
Increase the efficiency of your company with intelligent knowledge management.
Increase your productivity with our many years of (automotive) industry expertise.
Benefit from our extensive project experience in the area of commerce & service.
Our solutions are already being used in various industries.
Learn more about the Vision and Mission of SUSI&James.
Our contact persons will be happy to help you with your request.
Insights into the life and work of our team.
Forschung live erleben! SUSI&James war bei der KARLI-Projekt Halbzeitpräsentation in der Zukunftswerkstatt
Am 28.06.23 besuchten Marcel und Patrick das Partner Networking Event der Zukunftswerkstatt
Im Customer Care Center Management entscheidet sich, ob ein Kunde bleibt oder
Der VDA (Verband der Automobilindustrie) ist der Spitzenverband der deutschen Automobilhersteller und
Die @Zukunftswerkstatt 4.0 wurde im Rahmen des Strategiedialogs Automobilwirtschaft Baden-Württemberg ins Leben
The digital employees of SUSI&James GmbH, based on artificial intelligence, take over and optimize a wide variety of communication-heavy business processes in companies. With the help of our patented, "hybrid" AI, we have been providing cross-industry support for a wide variety of process and/or communication optimizations since 2015. In this way, we help you to relieve your employees and to achieve your business goals faster and more cost-effectively.
Data and information security is a top priority at SUSI&James. Therefore, we are proud to be TISAX certified in accordance with ISO/IEC 27001.