AI applications for process digitization

Susi & James uses technologies from the field of artificial intelligence and develops individual solutions based on the core technology EVA for the adoption of industry and customer-specific processes. We develop optimal AI applications in close coordination with and consultation of customers. Our digital employees perform exactly the same activities on the same digital interfaces and masks that human employees use - completely automated. We integrate our AI seamlessly into existing infrastructures.

With the help of our artificial intelligence, recurring processes and tasks in companies from a wide range of industries can be automated and optimized. To do this, we work with the latest technologies from the areas of machine & deep learning, digital language processing, process automation and common user interfaces such as telephony, messaging and office services. We deploy our AI applications exclusively on a needs-based and targeted basis and bring them to bear in your company in a way that is immediately noticeable. In doing so, we use state-of-the-art technologies from ourselves as well as from global players such as Google and Amazon.

Prozessdigitalisierung KI-Lösungen

Our value proposition

Higher quality and standardization
Reduces repeat errors
Document management

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Use cases of our AI applications for process digitization

Process control and optimization of a single-user production line

Our customer offers premium products individually adapted to the needs of the purchaser, which are largely produced manually in a complex single-station production. There was a lack of transparency regarding the production status and the then possible delivery date of the individual products. As a first step, all production steps were digitally recorded so that a production dashboard can display the degree of completion of each product in real time. A completion date is forecast for each product, taking into account employee absences or material availability and other influencing factors. Using the available data, our AI-based system creates automated and optimized manufacturing and workload planning. This means that resources can be deployed efficiently and at short notice with significantly less planning effort, while reducing the overall throughput time in production. This generates clearly positive effects on the value creation process and has a positive impact on employee and customer satisfaction.

Optimization of the search function in an online store

For our client from the pharmaceutical industry, we have improved and expanded the search function of medications in the online store. Thanks to the now AI-based search function, customers can now not only search for or complete product names, but also freely combine various search criteria, such as manufacturer, dosage form, ingredients, symptoms or even incompatibilities. By using the latest methods and search optimization on graphics card-based server architectures, the average response time of the search queries could be reduced to less than 0.1s, even though a product catalog with more than 750,000 items is searched and the AI also corrects entered inaccuracies. This enables users to find the right product in the shortest possible time, a clear competitive advantage of our customer over the market competition. The technology is highly scalable, adaptable to any search and could successfully add value even with a much larger amount of data in the shortest time.

Holistic AI automation

Unser Kunde im Reifen- und Autoservice verkauft Reifen über Onlineplattformen von verbundenen Unternehmen oder Drittanbietern. Dabei wurden die Daten der getätigten Bestellungen per Mail an unseren Kunden weitergeleitet. Mitarbeitende übertrugen die KundInnen- und Bestelldaten in die eigenen Systeme und stießen notwendigen Folgeprozesse wie die Rechnungserstellung an. Anschließend wurden relevante Informationen an ein Call-Center unseres Kunden weitergegeben, welches den Kaufenden zwecks Vereinbarung eines Montagetermins telefonisch kontaktierte. Diese Prozesskette war in Summe fehleranfällig, kostenintensiv und beanspruchte häufig mehrere Tage, bis die Produkte an den Kaufenden versandt wurden und eine Terminvereinbarung erfolgte. Die Lösung der SUSI&James entnimmt und validiert aus der Datenübermittlung alle benötigten Daten, legt die Bestellung vollautomatisch an und erzeugt die zugehörigen Rechnungen. Dieser Prozess verläuft instantan und erfordert kein Eingreifen eines menschlichen Mitarbeitenden. Parallel prüft die KI die Verfügbarkeit und Lieferzeit der bestellten Produkte, gleicht diese mit vorhandenen Werkstattkapazitäten ab und kontaktiert selbstständig den Kaufenden zur Vereinbarung eines Montagetermins. So konnte die Durchlaufzeit des Prozesses von der Bestellung bis zur Terminvereinbarung von mehreren Tagen auf wenige Minuten reduziert werden. Dies entlastet die Mitarbeitenden unseres Kunden und wird von den EndkundInnen als innovativer Service empfunden, den die Konkurrenz nicht leisten kann.


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