AI in production

The advance of digitalization is changing not only our everyday lives, but also the entire industry, including production, for example. The use of intelligently networked machines and products will become the new standard in production and manufacturing processes. All areas - from development and production to sales and delivery - will be combined in this networked system. In some industries, "Smart Factory" and "Digital Warehouse" with fully automated manufacturing are already a reality. With the help of our technology, we are already supporting renowned companies in their digitization process on the way to true Industry 4.0.

Our value proposition

Higher quality and standardization
Reduces repeat errors
Document management

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Use Cases of our AI in Production

Process control and optimization of a single-user production line

Our customer offers premium products individually adapted to the needs of the purchaser, which are largely produced manually in a complex single-station production. There was a lack of transparency regarding the production status and the then possible delivery date of the individual products. As a first step, all production steps were digitally recorded so that a production dashboard can display the degree of completion of each product in real time. A completion date is forecast for each product, taking into account employee absences or material availability and other influencing factors. Using the available data, our AI-based system creates automated and optimized manufacturing and workload planning. This means that resources can be deployed efficiently and at short notice with significantly less planning effort, while reducing the overall throughput time in production. This generates clearly positive effects on the value creation process and has a positive impact on employee and customer satisfaction.

Digital Twin

Unser Digital Twin ist das digitale Abbild von Fertigungen und komplexen Prozessketten eines Unternehmens. Dabei kann die Modellierung der Fertigungskette und ihrer einzelnen Schritte intuitiv, ohne Vorkenntnisse und in wenigen Minuten erstellt werden. Eigenschaften, Abhängigkeiten sowie einfließssende Materialien werden den jeweiligen Schritten zugeordnet und miteinander verknüpft. Durch den Cloudansatz unseres Digital Twin stellt dieser ein effektives Kollaborationstool für globale Teams dar. Dabei liefert der Digital Twin sowohl das „Big Picture“ komplexer Zusammenhänge als auch die Detailansicht einer einzelnen Zelle und schafft so Transparenz. Die anlagenunabhängige Verarbeitung der Maschinen- und Prozessdaten in Echtzeit ermöglichen Simulationen, Live-Dashboards, eine durchgängige Herstellungsdokumentation, Predictive Quality Alerts. Durch den Einsatz moderner Algorithmen und KI-Modelle ermittelt das System Einflussfaktoren und Ursachen bei komplexen Root Cause Analysen. Der Digital Twin ermöglicht eine digitale Markierung suspekter Teile im Live-Prozess zur Qualitätskontrolle und ermittelt im Fehlerfall betroffene Bauteile durch historische Daten.

Supply Chain Disruption

(Production) companies provide spare or additional parts even after the end of the regular manufacturing period of a product. The supply of parts is usually ensured by companies supplying spare parts, which produce parts at significantly higher costs than in series production, with long lead times and in medium quantities. This results in negative effects for the company in aftersales. If a component has to be remanufactured when needed, this usually takes several weeks. Customers who cannot use their products during this time change their opinion of the manufacturing brand for the worse. Once the parts have been produced, the parts shipped by the spare parts supplier are repackaged - so that the parts can be used individually - and put into storage. The additional effort and capital tied up in this process creates personnel and management overhead and reduces the company's bottom line. Our rapid manufacturing portfolio management system enables the continuous transition from batch & queue to single-piece process. By continuously matching requirements, drawing data and specifications in existing systems, the entire manufactured parts portfolio is captured and its production requirements are matched with existing and upcoming rapid manufacturing capabilities. In this way, our AI builds an ever-growing number of options to produce parts in rapid manufacturing - at the required time, in the required quantity with the required quality - ideally locally at the point of need. In concrete application, this means: Purchasers now have the option to order one component rather than 5000 when needed. The costs are transparent in advance, and the order is placed via "one-click" in the system. Repackaging, complex logistical supply chains and warehousing are eliminated. The provisioning process for customers is reduced to the shortest possible period of time and the costs are considerably lower than for a "classic" spare parts supply.


Your contact persons

Dr. Alexander Fischer

Head of Research & Strategic Projects

Thomas Ohde

Director (Automotive-) Industry

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